Saturday, February 28, 2009

Emlyne and Ruth

Emlyne donates her work to the Flushing Boro Pregnancy Center.
And if I remember correctly she does great lace crochet.

Alyse Ritchie

Alyse crochets scarves and other items. She donates these items to the homeless, through the Bellrose Baptist Church's Womens crochet and knitting ministry to the Coney Island Women's Rescue mission.

Dorothy Jackson in Her New Shawl

The colors are great and it's soft too!!!

Chris Psimoganis

Claudia Lin & Andrea Sun

Claudia and Andrea are two of the clubs accomplished novices.

Terry Golden's Premi Hats-Carol's Mom's Booties

Terry donates these hats and booties to premi babies at St Luke Roosevlet Hospital in NYC.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Terry Knitting Ariel's Baby Blanket & Ariel and her Parents

Ruth started this baby blanket as a club project for Ariel. Many club members worked on this blanket. Ariel was staying at the Ronald McDonald in Buffalo.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dorothy Jackson with Betty and Carol

Dorothy knits and felts pocketbooks too.


Carol is very dedicated and tried to teach the teens to knit.

Marsh Ball

Terry Golden

Terry knits and crochets baby hats for the premiture infants at St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital.
She also is our favorite baker. I love those chocolate chips.

Carol and Ruth

Evelyn Hurr's Crochet Lambs and Blanket

She gives her most of her
crochet creations (dolls, clowns,
animals) to others.